Abiding Strategies, the book!


On 2/2/22, we had a fun event to announce the new book! Some have asked me why would I share this proprietary, original process that I developed? Why share the Abiding Strategy process in a book?

I have always believed that if you do the right thing, the money will follow. Thirty years ago, standing in a bookstore I saw a book by that title. I don’t remember if I bought it. But the words stuck, and here we are.

Lots of books have been written about the idea. The concept of giving to “get” isn’t new.

Of course, I make my living now, in part, by facilitating the Abiding Strategy process for clients. I can run a few dozen sessions a year personally and have repeat clients, too, who come back because they are actually able to implement and finish the plans. This is rare.

But I am only one person , and I want to help more businesses to live their values and leave lasting legacies.

Small businesses in America are the key to our ongoing success. The drive and determination of our citizens to do more, be better and help others makes us the greatest nation.

So, I wrote the book.

Entrepreneurs who are just starting out can use the book and workbook to run their plan, grow their organizations and help our economy, their employees and customers in a new way. Businesses that need to get to the next level can apply the principles of the book and build a plan that will endure.

After 2022, I will be licensing the process so that others can facilitate sessions for folks who find that using the book isn’t quite enough.

This process works for any business, and it’s as timeless as our individual spirit as humans.

I, too, want to leave a legacy.

Won’t you join me?

Interested in purchasing the book for yourself or your team? The book is available on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

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Abiding Strategy