Three Ways for Strategy to Abide


How can you create a strategy that will actually work? Is the whole idea of having a strategy too “old school” now?

Strategy is defined as “a careful plan or method” by Merriam Webster. Wouldn’t you always want that to be a part of your business, so that you aren’t wasting time and money on things that won’t work? Your business will always need a plan, no matter what you call it

The word abide is defined as to “endure; to wait patiently for.” You need a plan that will stand the test of time! There are three things that will help you create your own lasting legacy.

Abiding Leadership: It all starts with you, the leader(s) of the organization. Commit to building your strategy from the foundation up! The deeper, more difficult work of establishing the values for your organization, and the vision you want as your legacy must come first. Taking the time to set out the base for your plan informs all the rest of the steps you take, and is always valuable. Consider this your strong foundation in the way a great foundation makes a difference for building a house. A solid plan endures change and survives crisis. This way, the work also gets done effectively, desired results are achieved and stakeholders are inspired.

Abiding Culture: Bringing together communication that works is vital to long term thinking. The documentation and paperwork are important, but what really matters are the conversations amongst all the stakeholders that are involved! If you are building a culture of communication, clarity and candor, then the intention behind your vision will stay true. This will bring all the pieces together for the day-to-day processing. Clear expectations also help to hold accountability in check, allow a little grace when things go awry, and keep everyone on track despite the obstacles that life will throw at us.

Abiding Crew: Are your staff able to implement and execute the steps that are needed with passion and resolve? If so, your firm can leave a real legacy for the future! Helping your crew see the long-term vision, organize the tactical steps to complete the mission and measure the results will pay dividends for the long game. A better plan equals better profit… as long as you actually implement! Don’t let that plan sit on a shelf and collect dust! Engaging your crew in the process increases employee satisfaction and a sense of belonging.

If you can work on these three steps together, then you can all enjoy the outcomes, measurable results and accountability methods that will bring your business to the NEXT LEVEL OF SUCCESS.

For more information, please see my latest book: Abiding Strategies: Build Your Best Business Foundation.

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Abiding Strategy